Job Change Firehose
For those that value the most recent job data across our entire database, the Job Change Firehose provides daily update files containing all the people for whom Live Data has detected a job change in the last day. This page describes the offering in more detail and answers some common questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is this data different than provider XYZ?
Live Data sources job changes directly from the Internet using patented search and parsing technology. We are generating our own data, not aggregating from other providers.
What form is the data in and how is it delivered?
The most common delivery form is via jsonl files.
We currently support delivering files via S3 (your bucket or ours) and SFTP as well as direct integrations with Snowflake. Other destinations may be supported.
What is the structure of the data?
For our current list of fields and data structure description, check out the data dictionary.
How often is the information updated for a given person?
Everyone in the Live Data warehouse is checked every 10-14 days, with some exceptions (like people that are retired).
How often is the data delivered?
Most commonly, we provide daily update files. Other delivery cadences are supported as well, such as weekly and monthly.
I want to test my data against yours to see if Live Data really has more job changes that I do
Great! Until we complete our self-service trial, please contact Sales and setup a data trial. We'll happily run any file against our data warehouse and provide you the summary and details of what we found.
How big is the Live Data dataset and what are its characteristics?
Live Data is currently tracking employment data for 82M people. Broadly speaking our dataset skews US (~75%) and white-collar. In order for someone to be tracked by Live Data, we require some form of digital footprint that we can ascertain.
Our dataset has primarily been organically built by identifying people of interest to our customers and adding them to our dataset. As we scour the web, we are constantly looking for other high-value people to add to our dataset.
If you have specific people that you want tracked but aren't in our dataset, see the Ledgers section for information about how we can track specific people that you ask about.
How do I get started?
Contact sales to get started consuming the job change firehose.
Updated 3 months ago