Getting Job Change Data

The biggest value of ledgers is getting the latest job information about people that you care about. There are two primary concerns in this regard: what kinds of changes you want to be alerted on, and how you want to consume change data.

Job Change Triggers

Live Data tracks multiple fields about people in your ledger, including personal information such as location, job data such as title, and company data such as employee_count. When changes to a record occur, various "changed_at" date fields are bumped to reflect a change, based on different rules:

  • last_company_changed_at - (lastJobChangedAtin v1) date is bumped whenever Live Data reports a new company for this person relative to the either the imported company or the previously reported company from Live Data. Since this date is bumped at the time Live Data reports a change, it can never be before the date the contact was imported.
  • last_info_changed_at - (lastInfoChangedAtin v1) date is bumped whenever Live Data updates any field on the entire ledger record, including personal, job, or company information. Note this field can be noisy due to periodic company firmographic updates.
  • last_custom_change.changed_at - (currently in Beta and only available in v2), date is bumped whenever any user-specified fields change. For more information, see the Custom Changed At section below

In all cases, the dates are bumped when Live Data changes the record, so all can be used to see any update "since" a given time. For example, to see all changes in the last 30 days, you can filter on last_info_changed_at from 30 days ago.

Custom Changed At


Currently in Beta

Please contact Live Data for access to this feature.

The built-in last_company_changed_at and last_info_changed_at are two ends of a spectrum of possible changes. To facilitate more refined use cases, ledgers support a "Custom Changed At" field that will update when only a specific set of fields change. You can define the set of fields, which are specific to each ledger in your account, so different ledgers can have different Custom Changed At settings.

By defining a Custom Changed At field set, the last_custom_change.changed_at date in the contact record will be set any time any of the specified fields is updated on the record. This allows you to track a change date that is specific only to certain fields in the record.

The record also includes a last_custom_change.version field which indicates the version of the field set that triggered the date bump. The version is incremented every time the field set changes. When a new field set version is created, all values for last_custom_change will remain as they are, and all future updates to the values will be for the current/latest version only.

The available fields to choose from when configuring last_custom_change deliveries are:



Coming Soon

Coming soon, we expect to add a last_custom_change.changed_fields array which will contain a list of all the fields that changed and the previous value for the field....

Consuming Job Change Data

When Live Data detects that a person has changed a job, either from the job that was imported, or from a subsequent job change, there are multiple methods you can use to retrieve the data, each with their own benefits:


  • Browse in the UI (docs coming soon)
  • Download a CSV (docs coming soon)

Automated - Real-time

Automated - Batch/Polling