Ledger v1 Data Fields


This page applies to Ledger v1. For the latest fields for v2 Ledgers, see the parent page

When viewing data in your ledger, either via the UI, CSV, or API, many fields of information are provided by Live Data. The table below explains each of the fields:

UI Field CategoryUI Field NameAPI Field NameDescription
N/AidThe unique contact ID for this contact
NoneVerified?isVerifiedIndicates whether Live Data has been able to verify/identify this contact on the open web
Last Changed (UTC)JoblastJobChangedAtThe last time (in UTC) Live Data updated this persons job on this ledger. A blank value indicates there has been no change from the imported data.
Last Changed (UTC)Other InfolastInfoChangedAtThe last time (in UTC) Live Data updated any of this persons information on this ledger. A blank value indicates there has been no change from the imported data.
Person InfoReference IDreferenceIdThe customer-provided reference ID for this contact
Person InfoNamenameThe customer-provided name for this contact
Person InfoLinkedInlinkedinThe LinkedIn URL for this contact
Person InfoMultiple Jobs?hasMultipleJobsIndicates whether we've detected this person has multiple current jobs. See below for more details
Current JobCompanycompanyThe current company that employs this contact
Current JobTitletitleThe current job title of this contact
Current JobTitle LeveltitleLevelThe inferred level of the current job, based on their title. See below for more details
Current JobTitle DomaintitleDomainThe inferred domain of the current job, based on their title. See below for more details
Current JobStart DatejobStartedAtThe date that this person started at their current job
Contact InfoEmailcontactInfo.emailThe current email address of this contact, if known
Contact InfoEmail StatuscontactInfo.emailStatusThe status of the email address. 'valid' denotes a valid email, 'catch-all' denotes a mail server that does not validate emails, and 'best-guess' denotes a likely email address that could not be positively confirmed.
Company InfoLinkedIncompanyInfo.linkedinThe LinkedIn URL for this company
Company InfoDomaincompanyInfo.domainThe top-level domain name for the current company.
Company InfoSizecompanyInfo.sizeThe size of the current company.
Company InfoIndustrycompanyInfo.industryThe industry of the current company.
Company InfoLocationcompanyInfo.locationThe geographic location of the company headquarters.
Imported DataLinkedInimportLinkedInThe LinkedIn URL that this contact was imported with
Imported DataCompanyimportCompanyThe name of the company that this contact was imported with
Imported DataTitleimportTitleThe job title this contact was imported with
Imported DataTitle LevelimportTitleLevelThe inferred level of the title this contact was imported with. See below for more details
Imported DataTitle DomainimportTitleDomainThe inferred domain of the title this contact was imported with. See below for more details
N/AcreatedAtDate at which this contact was added to this ledger
N/AledgerImportIdThe ID of the batch import this contact was imported from

Multiple Jobs Flag

The multiple jobs flag is intended to provide a "heads-up" that the person has multiple jobs, but is not set to true under all conditions. Essentially, we are not able to ask the Internet "does Suzy have multiple jobs" and get a good answer. But, under certain circumstances, it may be possible for us to detect that someone does have multiple jobs and that is when the flag gets set. This usually occurs when we have multiple customers asking us about the same person at each of their jobs -- in those cases, we can ask the Internet "is Suzy at A" and "is Suzy at B" and if we get positive results for both then we set the flag to true.

Job Level Values

The potential values for the level fields in the payload are:

  • C-Team
  • VP
  • Director
  • Manager
  • Senior Staff
  • Staff
  • Consultant

Job Domain Values

The potential values for the domain fields in the payload are:

  • Banking and Wealth Management
  • Business Management
  • Consulting
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Finance and Administration
  • Healthcare
  • Human Resources
  • Information Technology
  • Legal
  • Marketing and Product
  • Operations
  • Program and Project Management
  • Publishing, Editorial and Reporting
  • Quality
  • Real Estate
  • Risk, Safety, Compliance
  • Sales and Support