Live Data Documentation
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Getting Started

Your Ledger is the list of contacts that you want Live Data to continually update. Contacts can be added to your ledger using various methods, including manual entries, CSV uploads, and the Live Data API. Once a contact has been added to your ledger, Live Data will ensure that their information is kept updated. Updated contact information can be ingested by your systems through either CSV exports or the Live Data API.

The main tasks when dealing with ledgers are explained on this page, and include:

Creating a ledger

Select Ledgers on the left-nav menu to view the Ledgers page. Click the New Ledger button and provide a name and optional description for your ledger.

Adding Contacts to your Ledger

Press the Add Contacts button to begin the import process. Either upload a file (CSV or Excel) or manually enter contact data. When uploading a file, you will be able to map the fields in your file to the fields used by Live Data. It may take some time for your contacts to show on your ledger. You can check the progress on the Imports tab.

For more information about importing contacts, see the importing contacts guide.

Viewing your Ledger

Click on the Contacts tab in your ledger to see a list of all the contacts in the ledger. When Live Data has detected a job change for a contact, the Last Job Change field will be populated. The Verified field indicates whether or not Live Data was able to positively identify the contact on the open web.

For more details about the contents of your ledger and the meaning of all of the fields, see the ledgers guide.

Exporting contact data from your ledger

You can download your contact data at any time by pressing the Download Contacts button on the ledger Contacts tab. The download will match any filters that you currently have in place, so we generally recommend filtering by Last Job Change before downloading contacts so that you are only downloading changes.

For more details about contact downloads, see the ledgers guide.

Sharing your ledger with others on your team

Any user with admin privileges can add other users to your team. Select the Team menu on the left-hand nav to bring up your user list and team settings. To invite new users, enter their email address, which role you would like to grant, and press the Invite users button. Users will receive an email invitation allowing them to create an account.

For more details about managing user access to your organization, see the access controls guide.